Edward Hopper. The Long Leg, 1935.
Travelling, whether it's a well-earned reward or an indulgence, somehow always implies a desire to escape, to run away, to see the other side of the fence. It's too easy to think that whatever you leave behind will sort themselves out by the time you return from your trip. Or that you will return with new perspectives and deal with things differently. It's too easy to imagine yourself lying on a beach somewhere and your troubles simply floating away with the wind.
But more often than not, reality can be a cold hard bitch. The logistics of planning a trip alone can be daunting. Where to go, when to go, how to get there, how much to spend, what you need to bring with you, maps, directions, cash, travellers' cheques, languages, phasebooks, tickets, train/bus/plane schedules... the list goes on and on. It can drive you nuts.
This week's soundscape takes the hard shit out of planning a trip for yourself. While it's impossible that you dont have to do anything in preparation for a trip, this batch of songs will take the stress out of the planning and assure you that it's all gonna be worth it. After all, a holiday you take does not merely involve physically packing your bags and catching a plane; it's about a state of mind. Sometimes, the best holiday you can ever give yourself is one away from yourself.
Track Listing:
1. (0:00)
Belle and Sebastian - Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying (Buy
If You're Feeling Sinister)
2. (3:25)
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (Buy
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea)
3. (6:47)
Ash - A Life Less Ordinary (Buy
OST A Life Less Ordinary)
4. (10:66)
The Decemberists - Los Angeles I'm Yours (Buy
Her Majesty The Decemberists)
5. (14:87)
Spoon - I Turn My Camera On (Buy
Gimme Fiction)
6. (18:15)
Teenage Fanclub - Take The Long Way Round (Buy S
ongs From Northern Britain)
7. (21:40)
Gomez - Homoa Beach (Buy
How We Operate)
8. (24.74)
Jason Collett - I'll Bring The Sun (Buy
Idols Of Exile)
9. (28:08)
18th Dye - Trains And Boats And Planes (Buy
10. (32:44)
Beirut - Postcards From Italy (Buy
Gulag Orkestar)
11.(36:61) Kevin Shields - City Girl (Buy
OST Lost In Translation)
12. (40:09)
The Weakerthans - One Great City! (Buy
Reconstruction Site)
13. (42:63)
Margot and The Nuclear So and Sos - On A Freezing Chicago Street (Buy
The Dust Of Retreat)
14. (45:65)
Bright Eyes - We Are Nowhere And It's Now (Buy
I'm Wide Awake It's Morning)
15. (49:77)
M. Ward - To Go Home (Buy
You can also download the entire episode
Labels: indie, soundscapes project, writing