I've Made Enough Friends

Sometimes rediscovering the old can be as exciting, even more so, than discovering the next CYHSY or Tapes 'n Tapes. The soundscapes project, which I am trying my darnest to put up (semi) regularly, has me digging through old cds and old times, and I realise more often than not, you will definitely find something you will love all over again.
And it's always nice when you can put a personalised touch to the music you listen to. I was ordering a Wrens tshirt (the previous post rekindled my Wrens phase) when I realise that someone made off with my Silver and Secaucus cds previously. So I emailed Greg Whelan to ask if he could hold the tshirt shipment so that I can add the 2 cds to my order. And he actually said he would send them to me free since I am the only Wrens fan he knows in Singapore! How sweet is that!?
Labels: the wrens
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