Soundscape #1

This is the first in the songscapes series. I wanted it to be happy, optimistic and hopeful but underneath the insane catchiness and hooks of some of these tracks lies a deep and poignant sense of sadness and nostalgia for all that's been lost. I'd like to think that these hooks are deliberately calculated to stick in your head so that you dont forget about the past and that you should learn from it.
Track Listing:
1. (0:00) Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot Flowers Pt 1 (buy In the Aeroplane Over The Sea)
2. (3:06) Interpol - Not Even Jail (buy Antics)
3. (8:52) Okkervil River - Black (buy Black Sheep Boy)
4. (12:91)Stars - Calendar Girl (Buy Set Yourself On Fire)
5. (16:98) The Wrens - Hopeless (buy The Meadowlands)
6. (22:06) Teenage Fanclub - Sparky's Dream (buy Grand Prix)
7. (25:21) Mojave 3 - Big Star Baby (buy Puzzles Like You)
8. (29:39) Yo La Tengo - Today Is The Day (buy Summer Sun)
9. (34:73) Wilco - Pot Kettle Black (buy Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)
10. (37:98) Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken (buy Let's Get Out Of This Country)
11. (41:47) Headlights - TV (buy Kill Them With Kindness)
12. (43:84) DeVotchKa - How It Ends (buy How It Ends)
Labels: indie, soundscapes project, writing
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