Soundscape #43: I Want One And I Want It Now!

Good god! Can Steve Jobs do no wrong!?? I feel like a little kid captivated by this magician pulling rabbits out of his hat. Steve Jobs has a way of making you realise needs that you've never known you had and by the time he's done, you couldn't imagine how on god's earth you had existed till now without it. And he does it with such ease and elegance almost, you'd have to ask: why didn't anyone figure this out before? 5000 songs in your pocket? 5000 songs in your pocket the size of your credit card?! Goddamn!
Steve Jobs's latest is of course the iPhone. I remember watching the webcast where he first introduced it and he goes: "phone. ipod. internet"..... and repeats the 3 words until the audience start realising that it's just one machine and goes wild cheering. The vibe was rapturous, as if Steve Jobs had just saved the world. Actually, maybe he did! The sale of iPhones started last week and it's made about 600,000 people happy. I think it's a tribute (albeit a whacked one) that OEM models are beginning to appear on auction sites. If the bloody phone weren't hardwired to work only with AT&T networks, I would have gotten one already.
Come, Steve, please, take my money! 2008 cannot come early enough.
1. (0:00) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Is This Love? (S/T)
2. (3:13) The Streets - Fit But You Know It (A Grand Don't Come For Free)
3. (7:25) Malajube - Montreal -40 (Trompe-L'oeil)
4. (10:45) Tegan & Sara - I Know I Know I Know (So Jealous)
5. (14:29) Robbers On High Street - Love Underground (Tree City)
6. (17:03) Apples In Stereo - I Want (Velocity Of Sound)
7. (19:08) The Mendoza Line - It's A Long Line (But It Moves Quickly) (Fortune)
8. (22:35) We Are Scientists - Worth The Wait (With Love And Squalor)
9. (25:19) The Smiths - I Want The One I Can't Have (Meat Is Murder)
10. (28:32) The Decemberists - Angel, Won't You Call Me (5 Songs EP)
11. (31:10) The White Stripes - I Cant Wait (White Blood Cells)
12. (34:49) Lucky Soul - Ever Yours I Remain (Add Your Light To Mine Baby)
13. (37:51) M. Ward - Eyes On The Prize (Post-War)
Labels: indie, soundscapes project, writing
the touchscreen will probably give tons of problem but most people will as usual think it too cool to bother,
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